Saturday, July 18, 2009

Everyday Stuff

So today has been a day of thought. Not very deep thoughts - but they were thoughts none the less.
I own a Ford diesel F250. I used to own a Chevy 3500 gasoline, dually. Now I love my diesel. That's my truck, I love it. BUT I know now why my buddies would always take their Chevy's mud boggin' and not their Ford's - because Ford builds a great truck but doesn't put positive traction in them. So when one tire starts spinnin' you're stuck!!! No, I didn't get stuck. I was just thinking how stupid it is to put so much power in a truck - but not put positive traction on it. You have to have a 4x4 in order to get anywhere!! Now, my Chevy - never had such problems or worries. I love Ford's don't get me wrong... that's my dream is to rebuild a Ford F150 4x4, 1983, short bed, straight drive. But before I do that I have a 64 1/2' Ford Mustang convertable to rebuild.
Other thoughts - horses are driving me mad. Training horses for a living is a great job and it's fun... but seven days a week, unlimited hours a day... I'm not invincible. Although sometimes I get on a horse and I tell that horse that I am indeed invincible and that I will win every single discussion. But when I'm not on a horse - I'm only human. Although I used to think that I was invincible. That nothing could touch me. I thought that until I hit 19 - then someone named Season came into my life. She was "bigger" than me... and often made me cower to a corner. She did it with all the love in the world - but the point is that I found out real quick that I'm not invincible. I have been dumped off of horses more times than I can count - but that never did it. I still thought I was invincible. It literally took someone "bigger" than me to shake me and make me cower in the corner for two years - before I figured out that I am NOT superwoman. So, now that I'm no longer superwoman, I am more of a chiller. Now, there is one problem that gets in the way of me being a chiller and it is called bipolar!! Bipolar makes me want to be invincible and take on the world. Those are the days that I get a whole lot accomplished - but at night I find myself pacing the floors wondering what I can get into next. Pumped up ready to go - at midnight in my town there is NO WHERE to go. Some days I'm in this mood that I could pick a fight... and I'm always oh so confident that I could win the fight as well. So I pace for a while until it's time to take my medicine. After about an hour of the medicine being in my system I'm back to being a chiller.
Onto grander thoughts - I love the shock factor. Whether it's good shock or bad shock - I love the expressions that people get when they are in shock. Yesterday we went out to dinner at Macado's - and we were laughing and talking and just having a good time... when I said "It's better to burp and taste it than to fart and waste it". EVERYONE at the table cracked up - but my mother was in shock that I said that out loud!! You could tell that she couldn't believe that that just came out of her daughters mouth. It was hilarious.
My family is planning a trip to Colorado for Christmas to go skiing. And we were talking about it and my father mentioned this play ground where people go four wheeling in Colorado. Apparently they have this bowl like hole in the ground where you can ride your dirt bike around the bowl on this very narrow path and you ride down - than you ride up - and you time yourself for the fun of it. Now how cool does that sound? I want to go to this place to try it, man. I'm up for the challenge. My parents weren't all for the idea of visiting this play ground when we go because first of all we'll be taking the mini van and secondly life threatening play grounds aren't on my fathers list of "fun". I wanted to tell him that I'd wear a helmet but I figured it wouldn't help my case.
Speaking of life threatening adventures - Wednesday I'm going on a trail ride with a friend of mine and I'm taking Magic. The 3 year old tennessee walker gelding that's only been broke for two weeks. Trail riding sounds so relaxing until you invite someone like me who wants to ride something that's barely broke. I'm all about adrenaline rushes and getting the blood pumping... At least Magic isn't half insane - most of the time he is very quiet and easy to get along with. But horses always change into something different when you change their surroundings. It's like Dr Jackle and Mr Hyde.
My sister is about to get a new border collie. Now for those of you who don't know - I own a border collie and she's the best dog EVER. She's extremely smart and even though she is fat she is still very cute. Now this new border collie that is coming in, supposedly, he is a therapy dog. So that means he is a working dog, he has been trained to help out people with a disability. So that automatically means that he's a "smart" dog. I'm not buying it. He may know how to help the handicapped - but my dog knows 24 commands AND is still a regular every day dog. She likes to get into the trash and drink from the toilet. This new dog I bet doesn't even know how to do those things, and that my friends, is ridiculous. A dog should be able to be a dog whenever they please and not have to be on guard all the time. I'm not worried about this dog out smarting my dog by any means... I mean my dog climbs ladders and whispers for crying out loud. The big thing that I heard this new dog can do is play hide and seek!! I'm definitely going to have to spend time with this new dog in order to teach it to be a real dog. Or I'll just leave the two dogs together and let my dog teach this new dog how to misbehave occasionally!
As for the horse that is costing me money in vet bills - currently her condition is normal!! Praise God. We are hoping it is just something that can be solved chiropractically.
Well fellow readers it has come to the point that I have run out of things to ramble about. So I'm out.
Peace ya'll

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