Friday, May 29, 2009


I was woke up this morning by my buddy Dan - who works across the street. Some days he is my boss - but I don't go to work for him very often. But today he needed my assistance picking up a truck. So we went to Wytheville to pick up this truck - and Dan has to be one of the more entertaining people that I know. The conversation on the way to Wytheville was indeed enlightening. After we got back I went straight to the barn... and if you don't like reading about horses then you might as well stop reading.
So, if you have been reading along with me you know that I am in love with a horse that's not mine. Well, I talked to this horses owner today and I now have permission to show this mare. I'm sooooo excited. I rode her today and she was wonderful. She trotted for the first time - completely confused as to why she has to trot around ... but she did it. No bucks. She is a very sweet mare, I will show pictures soon.
I rode several horses today - one of which was a total idiot. I got on him, was in the middle of getting my stirrups and asked my sister to walk him forward. He tripped out... flew backwards. I lost my stirrups - and he was still freaking out. So I made him walk forward and he continued to freak out - I nearly lost my balance and I almost saw the ground close up. Once he finished freaking out I got my stirrups back FINALLY!! When we started walking around he started prancing and snorting and acting up. He acted up for at least 20 minutes. I swear he could have passed off as a stallion and not a gelding. The last 15 minutes of my ride on him was great... but I thought he was going to kill me the first little bit of the ride. This horse is a big guy - so it is a little overwhelming when he acts up. We won't talk about what happened when we got into the barn. That was another 15 minutes of him freaking out. I don't know which is worse , being on the ground and the horse flipping out or being on the back and the horse flipping out.
I was so proud of one of my trainees - she cantered for the first time. She didn't buck, she didn't take off - she cantered calmly and sanely.
The fun thing about my job is watching the product grow. When I first get these horses - they don't know anything. Some of them know a little bit about what to do on the ground but as far as being ridden - these horses are dumb. And I get to watch them go from dumb to educated... maybe not WELL educated - but just enough that they are well on their way to becoming something other than field ornaments. It's fun to look at the "now" and "then" and to know that I did it.
Tomorrow - I'm going to a horse show. I'm looking forward to it - although I'm not showing myself, my little sister is showing and I'm playing "coach". Her horse is a saint, but he isn't the most beautiful thing on the planet - I hope they do well despite his looks. It is up to me to put her in classes - and I've racked my brain trying to figure out which classes she would have a better chance in. I think I've made a decision on what she is going to do - now I hope that I've made the right one. It's harder to be the coach then it is to be the competitor. I live for competing horses. The need for it runs through my veins. It pumps me up.
Anyways - I need to go put diesel in the truck and air in the tires... so peace out.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I am a dreamer - like big time dreamer. One of my life long dreams is to be a famous trainer... you know, go to all the big shows and win. I'm not talking like Nationals - I'm talking like the Rolex and the World Games. Nationals would be nice too - but I don't want to limit myself. And tonight I catch myself dreaming of the day that I go to the Rolex - heck, it won't be for another several years. Here I am still trying to get my horse to do beginner novice level tests and I am thinking about the day I ride in the Rolex. And yes, all my dreams have to do with horses. I could go down a list of things I dream of becoming and dream doing with horses. It is to my harsh reality that I may never ride in the Olympics - but I'm going to come awful close. I'm determined. It's a dream of mine to have a horse farm to breed and show as many breeds as possible. I sit and I watch events like the Rolex and like World championships - and I get all excited because I know one day that it will be me. I can imagine what it is like to ride in those events. It sends chills down my spine. I can't express to you how excited I get at the thought of riding in some big show ring. I love showing first of all. But man, to show in a big time show and to do well. In any event - reining, cross country, dressage, saddleseat etc.  I love going to local shows and knowing people and people knowing me. When I get to the big times it's going to be a blast to know people and for them to know me - they'll know me when my name is called - and they will understand why I win.  More importantly they will know my product... the horses that I train. They will know how good they are. I dream of becoming as good as the best. And having some of the best horses - that's what I dream of. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

there's this horse

Hello my fellow readers,
I have nothing great to say today - and nothing exciting really happened. No deep thoughts ran through my head and no one made me so mad that I need to vent. All that happened today is that it rained. Pardon the pun but it put a real damper on my day. It's rather hard to school horses in the rain - the horses get mad and then you get frustrated and it all ends up in a big wet mess.
I am in love. With a horse, of course. This horse isn't some multi-million dollar horse, it doesn't have the awe impressive bloodline. She has OK conformation - but overall she is this beautiful mare. I didn't say she was all that - but man the way she moves and the way she holds herself. I have one problem with her and that is - she's not mine. I'm just training her for a client. I'm not sure what the client wants to use her for - or if she will use her for anything. And it really gets to me. I see this mare and I see a great dressage prospect... maybe even an event prospect. This is my problem - the last horse I trained for this lady I wanted to turn into a hunter. He has gone on to be a western mount, I think he is working cattle and trail riding. To me it's sad. I guess the owners of these horses don't find it sad - they just think it's great that the horse is able to be ridden. And the owners use them for their pleasure, not always for what the horse is made for. I look at a horse and I see what they are made to be - some people look at a horse and they picture what they want them to be. It's hard as a trainer to train a horse the way the owner wants, knowing that the horse isn't made to be that. Then there are some people who do one discipline and think that all horses can do that discipline. That drives me nuts too. I'm sorry but not every horse is made to do western and in the same way not every horse is made to do cross country. This little horse I'm training, is going to leave my training in a month - and that will be it. I won't get to see her perform at her highest level - at what she could be best at. I'm in love with this little mare and I want to be the one to show her.
Don't get me wrong I am completely happy with what I have. My great horse, Hart - is wonderful and everything I could have ever asked for. And then there's Mia who is just as great... just not fully grown into yet. And besides why do I want the responsibility of another horse when I'm trying to go to school ? I can only have one horse while at school. But still, I have fallen in love. It's driving me crazy.
Well, my dog is snoring that means that it's time to head to bed, or at least in that general direction.
So til then, Peace

Monday, May 25, 2009


The most frustrating thing about my job is that not everyone understands it. Some people look at what I do and say "You're nuts" ... some people think it's cool, others think it's amazing and some don't think anything of it. I love my job and thus I love to talk about my job and the horses that I train. This my friends, is a very hard thing to do. Some days I get so excited about some thing one of my horses did - and I'll tell someone and they will be like "ok" ... AH!!! It drives me nuts... they don't understand why I'm so excited. A horse is a horse to them and horses do what horses do ... big deal? No, really - to me it is a big deal. I don't have a lot of people to talk horses with, I have a few but not very many. So I try to talk horses with non-horse people and it doesn't go over so well. They don't share my enthusiasm when it comes to horses. The only time I can get a spark out of people is when I fall off. "it's all fun and games until some one gets hurt... then it's a blast" Why though? Why can't it be a blast without me hitting the ground? I think it is a blast. Today is an excellent example - I came home so excited about this new horse that I have in training. The horses name is Shamrock and she is absolutely beautiful. I can see this horse going far and I'm excited about the prospect of it. Needless to say when I tried to express this to my family - the response was dull. Here I am about to explode with excitement and they are more concerned about my little sister falling off. OK, so maybe the fall off was more exciting but she didn't get hurt so really it wasn't that big of a deal. When I get married it will have to be to someone who shares my excitement in horses. I can't wait to go to school where everyone is all about horses. I will not be excited alone. It will be me and 70 other girls being excited about horses. And that my friends, is how it should be. I love the sport, I love the animal - and it excites me to be involved with it. It excites me to be able to teach a horse to be ridden and to do things. When you start out with a horse who only knows how to be a horse and you turn it into an animal that you can ride and jump - that's exciting. You start out with nothing and you end up with something - the end result to you may be 'just another horse' but to me it's like WOW!!!! It's great... it's a wonderful feeling... it's exciting. I know, I know - you probably don't get excited when you see a horse jump a 5'ft jump... but I do!! You probably don't get excited when you hear the sounds of hooves... but I do. My sport.. my job - is exciting to me. I know you probably don't understand how the heck a horse being ridden around the ring is exciting... but trust me it is. Now I didn't say that it's impressive because I've seen horses being ridden around that aren't impressive or anywhere near it. But what I'm saying is a horse undersaddle with it's rider - working as a team together - in rhythm with each other... THAT is exciting. Going to a show to show off your horse is exciting... going out to the barn on an everyday basis ... that is exciting. Being with your horse, riding off into the sunset - that is exciting. Getting bucked off every now and then - that is exciting. From chasing the fox, to running the Kentucky Derby, to going on a trail ride, to riding the Rolex, to loping around a show ring - it's exciting. Horses are exciting. Being with them... You just don't understand - because to you "a horse is a horse". To some of you horses are smelly, or maybe they are intimidating, or maybe they are just nice to look at, or maybe they are just horses and not anything to you - but to me ... they are exciting. From the saddlebreds, to quarter horses and everything in between... they're exciting. Never a dull moment. Ask any equestrian.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Today I've been thoroughly entertained - it all started this morning... Like mornings should be my mother made me pancakes. If I do say so myself they were yummy. After I ate, I hit the road towards the barn. My loyal sister at my side - we started working horses the minute we got to the barn. First the beautiful arabian/saddlebred cross - then the also beautiful Mia (my thoroughbred)... then the cute little quarter horse, and last but not least Hart, also one of my thoroughbreds. Now all of these horses did things today that were frustrating and some what amusing. For instance the arabian/saddlebred cross was bad - she kept running out the gate... no matter what I did. Very frustrating. The little quarter horse was so hyper that she pranced when I wanted to walk and galloped when I wanted to lope. It's just the way she is and I have to laugh it off. But the most entertaining horse that I worked today was Hart. She is the comedian. We went for a lunge in the field. Trotting up and down hills builds good muscles. She was very lazy today - and when I wasn't paying attention she would walk down the hill and trot up the hill ... and if I asked her to do more then she would pin her ears at me and throw her butt towards me. It was very amusing for me - because number one she's a big fake. She's not going to kick me, and she isn't going to attack me with her teeth - but she wants to make me believe she's going to. If you work with horses you know how funny it is. If you don't - then you probably think that I'm an idiot.
A plus in my day was when some clients came to look at their horses that I have in training. I've had these horses a month and they weren't broke when I got them. Now they are broke and doing walk, trot, canter... their owners were very impressed. One of them was so excited she wanted to hug me - it kills me ... people send their horses to trainers and then when they see the horse under saddle they are amazed that it happened. What do these people expect? I mean I thought that my job was to get the horse going under saddle - I thought that that's what they pay me for. But according to the way these people act - it's like they don't expect me to break the horse. It makes me feel wonderful when people tell me that I'm amazing. But truth is if that were a fact - I wouldn't be going to school for intense riding lessons.
Tonight me and my dear ol' dad went to a horse show. Now, Dad isn't the type to normally want to go to horse shows where all you do is sit and watch. But tonight he did... not sure why. I saw all kinds of people that I knew - and it was so refreshing. Horse people are wonderful people to socialize with. I saw my first ever riding instructor - the lady who gave me my start. I'm so grateful for her. I was watching her show tonight and I realized that I ride a lot like she does. Of course so do some of her other students. I was talking to her and we were talking about my first mare I ever owned. Her name was "passhahnn" (pronounced Passion) - Passhahnn has a new little girl to teach the ropes of riding to. And according to my instructor she is doing a fine job. The little girl and Passhahnn took two firsts home today. I was very pleased to hear it. When I owned Passhahnn all she could seem to do is refuse jumps and throw me off. Ha - she was a fun mare... and yes we did have our good days. She was great on the flat - she just wouldn't jump. I saw another great lady who has been my friend for several years now - she is a saddlebred person and when I told her that I finally started riding saddlebreds she said "I knew you would eventually wise up". It was funny. I saw a friend who I haven't seen in years - she is a tennessee walking horse person - I used to show at the Virginia State horse show with her. It was great seeing her as well. The show was great - roadster ponies, saddlebreds, tennessee walkers, arabians - it was fun to just sit back and watch. The live organ music was a little much - but the horses made up for it. I didn't agree with the judge on a couple of the classes - but most of them I picked the winners. Being a judge would be a good paying job - but I bet it gets boring. After watching the first 20 classes I get bored. I'd rather be riding the horses. But judging would be fun in a way - for once my opinion would matter - and I LOVE picking horses apart.
You probably didn't realize that I was SOOOO involved with horses. They are my life - that's for sure.
Well, I'm off ...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Here it goes

So, to kick this blogging thing off - I must say that it's been a while since I've blogged so hang with me.
For the past week or so I've been dealing with some relationships. Some of them are great friendships, others are friendships that are ending, and some of them are friendships that have just started. And I've decided that I'd rather have one really great friend than a dozen just OK friends. I like a relationship that you can trust. If you can't tell by just reading, I've been burned recently by someone who I thought was a dear friend. I'll give it to her - she was there for a little bit, but then it all kind of came crashing down. What gets me is that it was all because of my bipolar - she said she couldn't handle it anymore. It really hurt me this week and will probably continue to hurt for a little while. So I take a step away from that particular circumstance and hyperventilate!! No, I'm kidding - I just breathe deeply. Then I turn to my really great friend who we will call DL - now DL is the coolest friend ever. And I love her dearly. I have not known her very long - but she probably knows me better then most people. It's like she understands me (which is very rare). What she doesn't understand she simply lets it slide. The greatest thing about her is that she is genuine. She's a true friend and I couldn't ask for any better. Don't get me wrong - I have a lot of good friends... I'm thankful for them all. All of my good friends play some part in my life - Momma for example. She rescued me once - took me in... helped me get straightened out. Then there are the gosples - most of them aren't around any more - but at the time I needed them most they were there. They are a big part of why I'm here today. And how can I forget the bus dude. Bus dude probably knows me best - he's been around the longest. He's been like my father and has helped me through everything from the terrible teenage years, through til now. He's probably one of the wisest people I know. I couldn't have done it without these people - and you know now... I look back at all the times I pushed them away and I think what a fool. I don't have the gosples anymore and I don't have bus dude - I miss them. I lost a lot because of ignorance.
Friends are great to have - but quite honestly I'd rather spend my time with my horses. The greatest times I have are where I have a really good friend with me and my horses. I'm a little bit of a ham - so anytime I get to show off is a good time for me. My horses, Mia and Hart - are wonderful. Two beautiful thoroughbreds. We do eventing - if you don't know what that is ... then it is simply jumping cross country. It's fun and it's an amazing adrenaline rush. I train horses full time and really life couldn't be going in a better direction. I'm working on going back to school to get a certificate in training - I'm sooooooo excited about this. I can't even begin to tell you. The school has over 100 horses - it's going to be like heaven. I was going to become a vet - but then I decided that I would rather train horses. I am so thankful for parents who supported my decision knowing that it would cost more money and not make as much money. Happiness was the main issue... not money. For me the main struggle with becoming a vet was chemistry - haha. I hated chemistry!! I knew the gas laws but that's basically all I got out of the class.
Out of all of my friends - my closest and dearest friend would have to be my partner in crime - Nabisko. She is a border collie who's job is to be loyal to the highest bidder. If I have a carrot but my sister has a steak - you can guarantee that Nabisko will be loyal to my sister! I've had Nabisko since she was 6 weeks old - she used to run with the horses with me but now she is just a house dog. For a border collie she's very lazy and on the fat side. I think it fits her personality to be fat. But to be fat and lazy she is probably one of the smartest animals I know. She knows over 20 commands. Which is bad considering a 16 year old (me) trained her. She's getting old - I'm hoping she makes it to twenty but I know it's probably not going to happen. My oldest sister is getting a new dog. She works with handicapped children and so she got a therapy dog. I'm very jealous because this dog was professionally trained and knows over 40 commands. My dog will no longer be the smartest dog. In my eyes though - she will still be the best.