Tuesday, May 26, 2009

there's this horse

Hello my fellow readers,
I have nothing great to say today - and nothing exciting really happened. No deep thoughts ran through my head and no one made me so mad that I need to vent. All that happened today is that it rained. Pardon the pun but it put a real damper on my day. It's rather hard to school horses in the rain - the horses get mad and then you get frustrated and it all ends up in a big wet mess.
I am in love. With a horse, of course. This horse isn't some multi-million dollar horse, it doesn't have the awe impressive bloodline. She has OK conformation - but overall she is this beautiful mare. I didn't say she was all that - but man the way she moves and the way she holds herself. I have one problem with her and that is - she's not mine. I'm just training her for a client. I'm not sure what the client wants to use her for - or if she will use her for anything. And it really gets to me. I see this mare and I see a great dressage prospect... maybe even an event prospect. This is my problem - the last horse I trained for this lady I wanted to turn into a hunter. He has gone on to be a western mount, I think he is working cattle and trail riding. To me it's sad. I guess the owners of these horses don't find it sad - they just think it's great that the horse is able to be ridden. And the owners use them for their pleasure, not always for what the horse is made for. I look at a horse and I see what they are made to be - some people look at a horse and they picture what they want them to be. It's hard as a trainer to train a horse the way the owner wants, knowing that the horse isn't made to be that. Then there are some people who do one discipline and think that all horses can do that discipline. That drives me nuts too. I'm sorry but not every horse is made to do western and in the same way not every horse is made to do cross country. This little horse I'm training, is going to leave my training in a month - and that will be it. I won't get to see her perform at her highest level - at what she could be best at. I'm in love with this little mare and I want to be the one to show her.
Don't get me wrong I am completely happy with what I have. My great horse, Hart - is wonderful and everything I could have ever asked for. And then there's Mia who is just as great... just not fully grown into yet. And besides why do I want the responsibility of another horse when I'm trying to go to school ? I can only have one horse while at school. But still, I have fallen in love. It's driving me crazy.
Well, my dog is snoring that means that it's time to head to bed, or at least in that general direction.
So til then, Peace

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