Friday, May 22, 2009

Here it goes

So, to kick this blogging thing off - I must say that it's been a while since I've blogged so hang with me.
For the past week or so I've been dealing with some relationships. Some of them are great friendships, others are friendships that are ending, and some of them are friendships that have just started. And I've decided that I'd rather have one really great friend than a dozen just OK friends. I like a relationship that you can trust. If you can't tell by just reading, I've been burned recently by someone who I thought was a dear friend. I'll give it to her - she was there for a little bit, but then it all kind of came crashing down. What gets me is that it was all because of my bipolar - she said she couldn't handle it anymore. It really hurt me this week and will probably continue to hurt for a little while. So I take a step away from that particular circumstance and hyperventilate!! No, I'm kidding - I just breathe deeply. Then I turn to my really great friend who we will call DL - now DL is the coolest friend ever. And I love her dearly. I have not known her very long - but she probably knows me better then most people. It's like she understands me (which is very rare). What she doesn't understand she simply lets it slide. The greatest thing about her is that she is genuine. She's a true friend and I couldn't ask for any better. Don't get me wrong - I have a lot of good friends... I'm thankful for them all. All of my good friends play some part in my life - Momma for example. She rescued me once - took me in... helped me get straightened out. Then there are the gosples - most of them aren't around any more - but at the time I needed them most they were there. They are a big part of why I'm here today. And how can I forget the bus dude. Bus dude probably knows me best - he's been around the longest. He's been like my father and has helped me through everything from the terrible teenage years, through til now. He's probably one of the wisest people I know. I couldn't have done it without these people - and you know now... I look back at all the times I pushed them away and I think what a fool. I don't have the gosples anymore and I don't have bus dude - I miss them. I lost a lot because of ignorance.
Friends are great to have - but quite honestly I'd rather spend my time with my horses. The greatest times I have are where I have a really good friend with me and my horses. I'm a little bit of a ham - so anytime I get to show off is a good time for me. My horses, Mia and Hart - are wonderful. Two beautiful thoroughbreds. We do eventing - if you don't know what that is ... then it is simply jumping cross country. It's fun and it's an amazing adrenaline rush. I train horses full time and really life couldn't be going in a better direction. I'm working on going back to school to get a certificate in training - I'm sooooooo excited about this. I can't even begin to tell you. The school has over 100 horses - it's going to be like heaven. I was going to become a vet - but then I decided that I would rather train horses. I am so thankful for parents who supported my decision knowing that it would cost more money and not make as much money. Happiness was the main issue... not money. For me the main struggle with becoming a vet was chemistry - haha. I hated chemistry!! I knew the gas laws but that's basically all I got out of the class.
Out of all of my friends - my closest and dearest friend would have to be my partner in crime - Nabisko. She is a border collie who's job is to be loyal to the highest bidder. If I have a carrot but my sister has a steak - you can guarantee that Nabisko will be loyal to my sister! I've had Nabisko since she was 6 weeks old - she used to run with the horses with me but now she is just a house dog. For a border collie she's very lazy and on the fat side. I think it fits her personality to be fat. But to be fat and lazy she is probably one of the smartest animals I know. She knows over 20 commands. Which is bad considering a 16 year old (me) trained her. She's getting old - I'm hoping she makes it to twenty but I know it's probably not going to happen. My oldest sister is getting a new dog. She works with handicapped children and so she got a therapy dog. I'm very jealous because this dog was professionally trained and knows over 40 commands. My dog will no longer be the smartest dog. In my eyes though - she will still be the best.

1 comment:

  1. Bisko IS the best!!!!!! I think she is great :-)
