Saturday, August 1, 2009


A funny thing time is. It passes and goes on smoothly and without hesitation. We can't rewind it... all we can do is live in it and look forward to it. Time isn't what is hectic - society is what is hectic. Time doesn't fly by us - we just over book our schedules and run through time. We also waste time- time is what we have little of and we can't earn more brownie points to earn more time - but still we waste it. When we should be spending time with the ones we love, or doing what we love... we often just sit and let time pass by us as if we have a lot of it. When we run out of time we freak out because we are going to be late, or because we missed the bus, or so on. At the end of time - when time really does stop ticking - who's going to be left to freak out? My time on earth is limited but my souls time - is never going to stop ticking.
So how have I been spending my time lately? Doing the exact thing that I love - riding horses. At the moment I am a bit frustrated with the horse business because the economy has caused people to want to sell and not buy horses. I need people to want to buy horses... four of them actually. Two of them are mine, and two of them belong to clients of mine. And they all just need to sell quickly. It isn't happening - but give it time and I'm sure it will. This is a good description of how we get impatient with time. Time doesn't pass quick enough for us - trust me, even though I'm a bit impatient time passes quick enough for me. Any quicker and I'd not have time to breathe.
With my girl Hart out of working order it was time for me to find something to ride and show. My instructor happened to have just the kind of horse I need. His name... My Guy Max - we call him Max. He's a pretty little thoroughbred gelding... he stands about 16'hands - maybe a little over. He's a 2001 model. He has the sweetest disposition yet a quirky personality. He had been out of work for about four months because my instructor just didn't have time for him. So I am now in the process of slowly bringing him back to work. I rode him for the first time - and it was very exciting for me... because of a few reasons; A, he isn't an easy horse to ride B, he has some power behind him and C, he's my new toy that I get to play with. He was very fun to ride, I still have to get used to him because he does have a lot of power behind him - but after we bond a little I think we will go a long ways together. Lord willing, I'll be taking him to school with me in March 2010.
As for my girl Hart - she is sadly up for sale. She does not have any type of neurological disease we think it is just a chiropractic problem that can be solved with some work. But I cannot afford to put the work into her - so she must be sold. I'm attempting to break the bond between us but she is making it extremely difficult. I think the only way to actually break the bond is to watch her get taken away in a trailer to another home. It will break my heart!
Speaking of breaking things - I'm in the middle of breaking an Oldenburg gelding. He supposedly was broke a year ago - but I've ridden him three times and I do not consider him broke. A broke horse is a sane horse and this horse is not either! I could say a lot of things about me and this horse - but all I will say is this; pray that neither one of us kills the other!
I'm looking forward to this coming week - I get to go to church camp for a day and see two of my good friends. I wish I could stay there longer to visit but work just won't let me do that. So one day of visiting with friends - and the rest of the week riding horses. My time with my friends will be cherished even though it isn't much. One of these friends I only get to see at this time every year - and this will be the only time I get to see him until next year at this time. Although it is very sad because next year at this time I will be away at school and unable to go to church camp to visit him. That means that after this visit I have to wait two years before I get to see my friend again. Unless time ends before than and then I will see him much sooner.
Tomorrow is Sunday and as most of you know that means I go to church. Earlier I was thinking about it and I was kind of dreading having to go... this is how the devil works folks he uses things like a relationship gone wrong to detour us from what is important and right. And this relationship gone wrong I have to face every Sunday and when I think about it I dread it. So I was thinking about it today and then I came to my senses and decided that I don't go to church to see people - it's true I see a lot of people at my church, some friends, some acquaintances, one relationship gone wrong - I see them... but that's not why I go. I go because it is my time to worship God. It is my personal time, my time that I choose to give fully to God. I put my horses aside, I put the rest of my life aside and I go worship God in my church. The church is considered to be the body of christ and it is sad to see a part of the body out of working order due to a misunderstanding - but we are human and it happens. And the devil tries so hard to use our misunderstandings against us especially in the body of Christ. I refuse, in the name of Jesus, to let the devil do that to me. He's not going to steal my joy or detour me away from church on Sunday due to a relationship gone wrong. Sunday is my TIME to worship and praise God.
Well the time has come for me to go. I'm at my older sisters house using her computer and I'm sure she doesn't want me here all night long. So here's to my older sister - for her so kindly letting me use her computer. Ha - did I mention the fact that I didn't exactly ask permission I just kind of came in and sat down. But here's to her anyways!!

1 comment:

  1. You need to go to Julie's church and stay out of the other one- just my opinion- take it for what it's worth. Love you~ Momma T
