Sunday, June 7, 2009


WOW!!! Have I mentioned lately how great God is? He is so flipping amazing that it sends chills down my spine. He has blessed and blessed and I Couldn't thank Him enough for it.
Today was entertaining... wait let's back up - this week has been entertaining. I met a guy, I'm taking this beautiful horse to a show, I am getting two new horses to train, pony rides, church... crazy stuff.
Let's start with the beautiful horse. She is my trainee "Diamond" she is a beautiful arabian saddlebred cross. I broke her and she has been in training for about a month and a half now. She's been doing wonderfully. But at some point in time this week I decided that she needed to go to an 'A' rated show. Incase you don't know... 'A' rated just means "where the pro's are". Her owner is trying to sell her and what a better way to advertise than a show where a lot of horse people are. Now, I realize that this is kind of soon to be taking a baby horse to a show. I mean after all she's only been broke a month and a half!! "Kristan are you crazy?" NO... I'm just heavily medicated :D I'm praying like mad that this little horse does the trick and catches the judges attention and that the judges love us. I'm praying that all goes well and we are successful at this show... but I also have the understanding that Diamond is a baby and it's a first for her.
Today I was riding Diamond and I realized that when I have a big show coming up... I move into training mode. Normally I do the necessaries; walk, trot, canter, circle, frame, bend, and maybe jog if the horse is western. But typically that's what I do when I train, those are the things I work on. But now that I have this big show coming up I'm doing the real stuff. The transitions, the leads, the head set, the extensions, the hand gallop... and transitions are the biggest. I worked on transitions and leads for twenty minutes on Diamond today, that's not including the other usual stuff we do. I think she got my point. Poor baby. It's rough having a real trainer on top of you.
I have two new trainee's coming in. One is a western pleasure trained quarter horse and the other is a green broke appendix. I'm looking forward to both of them. The quarter horse will be fun because he already knows all the ropes, all I have to do is sit there. And the appendix will be fun because I get to teach him to jump!! I love jumping.
Today was kind of fun... I'd say more entertaining. My Dad is a preacher and his church had a tent meeting today with dinner on the grounds. He thought that it would be appropriate to have a horse there to give pony rides to all the kids ... so I got good ol' faithful out of the field and took him to church this morning. Since we were outside, and the only chairs to sit in were metal ... I decided to get on "Ripley" and sit on him during service. I got to use my new western saddle which is very comfortable. Ripley was a good ol' boy during service, he just kind of walked around the tent... ate some, attempted to go under the tent (That was fun). The service was good as well, in case you were wondering. It was funny because my Dad preached on Balem and his donkey - It's in the book of Numbers go look it up. After the service people ate and then the time came for the pony rides. We had kids lined up - but the funny part was when the adults started lining up! Every age from 1-70 years old rode Ripley around the yard of the church today. And I think the adults were just as tickled to be on top of the horse as the kids were. I found it very amusing... just the fact that it takes so little to make people spark up. I know we rode around at least 20 people... I rode around the wee little ones and then I lead around the rest. I am now worn out and sunburned. As for Ripley - he was a little annoyed and a tad bit tired... but is now happily resting in a pasture. He's a very good , patient boy. I don't think my other horses would have done it so willingly. In fact, I know that Hart wouldn't have put up with ONE of those kids... not to mention 20 of them!! Hart who is by the way, back undersaddle. And I am loving every minute of it. This horse is amazing to ride... I can't even begin to explain it. She is refreshing and enjoyable. I think I smile the entire time I ride her.
As for me... I'm off to cure my bad case of boredum.

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