Tuesday, June 9, 2009

We're Getting It

So, today I rode little Ms Diamond and she was great! I think she is catching on. We're going off of the farm tomorrow to ride. It's going to be exciting. I'll see if she performs off of the farm, as well as she does on the farm. If she does well tomorrow then the show will be a breeze. If she kills me tomorrow than we might have a problem. Do you all realize that I only have a week before this show? DL - if you've been reading along with me than you remember her - is all for it. She is all for supporting me and telling me to kick butt. Gotta love her. At least I have one brave supporter who is all for getting me killed :) I think she would prefer if I lived through it but if I don't she will at least visit my grave.
Speaking of DL - she's discouraging my idea of breeding my mare. Not because she's mean like that... but because I'm going to school in March and I'll be gone for nine months. She is afraid that I'll worry myself to death leaving a pregnant mare behind. I've got to hand it to her - she knows me pretty darn well. I want to breed my mare so bad though. I found this huge stud that's really nice and just what I would want AND the price is right ... but the timing is all off. I really want a foal - one of my friends just had a foal a few weeks ago, a little arabian foal... he's really cute. Made me want one. Of course my thoroughbred foal would be a lot bigger than the little dishy arabian - but it would give me something to work with. AS IF - I needed something to do. I'm thinking about for when I get out of school though... it would be a perfect time to have a foal!! But DL is right - I would worry about the mare and the foal while away at school. But breeding the "perfect" event horse for myself would be ideal and fun. What's the "perfect" event horse? Oh, bay, 17' hands, ideal conformation, lots of trot and a personality/temperment like my mare!
My day was a typical day at the barn. It was extremely HOT. Me and the horses were drenched in sweat. There was "Torque" the big sweetheart himself. He got a little bit of an attitude with me today. He doesn't buck, all he does is shake his head and run to the center of the arena. Which he tried to do three times!! But we worked through it.
Then there's the love of my life "Shamrock" - she's having to learn the same things Diamond is learning (except we aren't pushed for time). Walk to canter transitions... correct leads... stuff like that. She's doing alright with it - she gets mad at me and crow-hops or kicks out. As soon as her coggins gets here I'm signing her up for the next dressage show. I've been working her on circles and sometimes she gets lost and just ... goes sideways. A dressage test should be interesting. Riding her is fun... she's like this little pony and I'm not used to ponies. I'm used to big 16+hand horses... and she is probably 14'3hands. We tried going over poles yesterday - and going over the poles wasn't a big deal, going through the standards was the big deal. It was cute - she got all excited about it but wasn't excited enough to actually go through the standards. I'll have a time teaching her to actually go over something.
"Bruno" arrived early this morning. He is my kid sister's new mount for the show season. He's green and just a baby - but he is a pretty cool dude. I think the two of them will do alright - he might be a little much to handle for her for a while - but he'll settle down. I might have to ride him at his first show but after that they should be good to go. His owner wants us to teach him to event... we might just do that. I'll see what I can do. I might have to push my little sister a little but she can handle it. She's a good rider - and a good rider always needs a little push.
As you can tell - I don't have another life besides horses... I'm sure you have figured that out. But don't worry - occasionally something exciting happens and when it does, I'll blog about it. But until then you will just have to deal with my every day life. Check back tomorrow I'm sure something exciting is going to happen with Diamond. And if I'm alive I'll blog about it. :)
Peace ya'll

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