Monday, January 2, 2012

Things that I'm not allowed to say on FB

Due to certain acquaintances being my friends on FB... I can't post this there. BUT... some people irk me to no end. People that say things like "I don't work because there are no jobs"!! That really irks me. There ARE jobs, you're just too lazy to go out and find one. Then you go to people like me who work TWO jobs... and ask for money from them... get off your lazy rear end and go find a stupid job!! And sure as heck don't let me hear about you living off the government... because that will NOT make me happy!! But you're not living life to make me happy ... that's obvious... but you should live life to make yourself happy and I know that being broke and sitting on your rear all day can't make you happy!!! Because while it is true I might be broke, I work and do things to make money... it just so happens that I have eleven needy children (aka animals) that demand that I feed them two to three times a day... and two trucks that don't run worth a crap... and one of my jobs only pays minimum wage!!! So I have something to say to that person who keeps asking me for money.. go find a bridge... and don't pretend that I'm there begging you not to jump!!!! Because trust me that's not the case!! :) And I say that with all the love I can stir up in my, so called, black heart!!!
Once more, please, leave me and my horses to mind our own business. We don't go around snooping into your business and would appreciate if you would do the same!! But you can't can you?? Because you LOVE drama... and you LOVE stirring up trouble... and you LOVE gossiping. DON'T tell me you don't because I've known you a long time, and I know you. It's funny that I can know you so well, but you don't know me at all!! All these years and you still think I'm the bad guy. But what the real story is... is that you my dear friend need a reality check. You live in this world where everyone owes you because you THINK your a do gooder! But you my dear friend are NOT a do gooder... You are the type of friend that does good for other people with the expectation of them giving you something in return!! That is a person that is out for one thing and one thing only and that's fame and fortune. But you my dear friend will never find this fame nor this fortune because while it is true that the wicked prosper... you aren't that lucky!! It is true that your bad luck runs deep... could it be karma coming back to haunt you?? Yeah we all know what people say she is!!!
Let me tell you about me... those years that we were apart. I worked hard every day, I made my way, I fed my horses... I showed them...and if I remember correctly every time it was my horse against yours... mine placed ahead?? Then you tell me that I don't know what I'm doing?? HAHA... yeah, that's a proven point isn't it? Just saying!!! You say I keep my horses thin, have you ever thought it's because I rescue most of my guys and may I remind your forgetful self it takes YEARS to bring them back?? I feed my horses the BEST grain, the BEST supplements, I keep the up to date on everything, AND mine are all in a conditioning program that I designed. You say I rush my horses, I think it took me a year to break Blossom, and eight months to break Roxy!!! Those years that we were apart, my horse Jack scored 70's in dressage tests! I trained with some of the best trainers and learned things you have no clue about!!! I have ridden reining horses, REAL saddle seat horses, I have ridden up to Prix St George, I have jumped 5ft without thinking about it!!! Have YOU done any of that? Do you have the experience I have?? I don't see you knowing how to do sliding stops and stick them, I don't see you jumping any and everything with out fear, I don't see you getting on crazy saddlebreds bareback, IN FACT - I don't see you riding anything!!! Oh except for your couch!! Momma T tell me, am I being too harsh?? LOL No, I don't think I am... because see what I say about you is truth. While what you say about me is a bunch of bull. You don't like me getting top ten even though I fell off?? Only cause you didn't fall off and still they didn't place you!! You don't like me having a stud horse?? That's only because he is nicer then yours. All of them in fact. Last but not least you don't like me getting into other farming besides horses? What are you afraid I might actually make something of my farm instead of letting it go down the drain?? Yeah, THAT you should be afraid of. Because I WILL prove to you that I am somebody who knows something about what I do best. I WILL prove that everything you say about me to other people is a LIE. AND I will be someone. Not because of what you did to me, for me, whatever you want to call it. But because of WHO I am!! I AM Kristan Underwood... and one day your going to need me... and guess what?? I'm going to be there. Not because I like how you treat me, not because I need you... not because I want to be there... but because that's the kind of person I am. I'm not the rob peter to pay paul type... I'm more like turn the other cheek. I promise... and my word is good.. that I will be someone despite of you!!

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