Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Have you ever just sat back and looked at your life and wondered, "Really God??" - The Big Man upstairs has such a sense of humor. So we make plans and He sees them and if we are wise we pray about them. Then you get so close to having it work out just as you had planned it and PSYCH!! JUST KIDDING!! It almost never fails! But is it God saying no, or is it God saying "I have better plans for you"? Let's talk about alpaca's... I have decided to not go finish my college degree and instead be a farmer. When deciding what kind of farmer I wanted to be I went through my head of all the types of farmers there are. I do not have a green thumb. So anything having to do with weeds and plants is a no go! I worked on a dairy farm long enough to know, there is no money in dairy and it's more work than it's worth. I already do the horse thing... but I don't consider that to be farming. So what's left?? Sheep are stupid. Goats stink... however Alpaca's... good money, easy up keep. Yeah I think I'll go with alpaca's. Do you know how much money it takes to buy an alpaca? And that you can't just buy ONE alpaca you have to buy TWO or THREE!? It adds up fast. That's no big deal because we are a people of debt. Right? So let's just go in debt for several thousand and see how it works for us. I was OK with this plan... I didn't completely like it, but I was going to do it to get what I want. I was a week away from signing the contract on my lovely alpaca's when God all of the sudden said "Mmmm.... no". Can you say BIG DEPRESSING PROBLEM!?!?! So NOW what ... I call the shrink, I call the therapist... life was over - the dream had been crushed. When all of the sudden my Dad (good ol' Dad) says "Get something to make some money so you can get the alpaca's later". I thought on it a while... and to craigslist I went. Searching for some kind of animal to make money off of. When it hit me... PIGS!!!! Ten baby pigs for sale!! Now, when it hit me that I could be a pig farmer... I laughed. Really God?? So I called the lady, and bought four baby female pigs!! Hampshire/yorkshire crosses. Cutest things you have ever seen. A week later... I'm Soooooo excited about getting baby pigs!! Like, I'm more excited about the pigs than I was the alpaca's. To be honest... the alpaca's made me nervous. Because they were so expensive and even though they come insured... I was still not sure how I felt about taking care of something that costs so much money! Pigs are a different story. I'm being super careful about my pigs, but I'm not nervous about it. So I find myself laughing at the fact that as of Monday I will be a pig farmer... and at the fact that I'm so much more comfortable with God's idea! I find myself saying... REALLY GOD???

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